Some days I was happy that pagebar v2.57 does seem to work with the new WordPress v3.0 flawlessly but I laughed too soon. Mark (no link given) pointed out that custom taxonomies are disrupted when using pagebar v2.57.
The reason was some code I borrows from the “Multi Page Toolkit“:
add_action('init', 'pb_allpage_permalink', -1); function pb_allpage_permalink() { global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->add_endpoint("all", EP_ALL); $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); }
This code enables pagebar to display all parts of a page which is splitted into multiple parts. As you might see the code adds a new rule to the permalink structure. Unfortunately it corrupted the permalinks in a way that custom taxonomies stopped to worked.
The solution to this problem was to fire the action much, much later and to to update the rules transient (soft flush):
add_action('init', 'pb_allpage_permalink', 99); function pb_allpage_permalink() { global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->add_endpoint("all", EP_ALL); $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(false); }
Hopefully this will solve the problems with custom taxonomies completely.
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