Author: latz

  • WordPress: Metaboxes are (re-)movable

    WordPress: Metaboxes are (re-)movable

    This might sound like an article for pure beginners but even users with years of WordPress experience are regularly scrolling their dashboard and editing pages up and down to reach the desired metaboxes. Meta what? Metaboxes. Those are the boxes used in the dashboard, the new page, or the new post pages to group the…

  • WordPress Plugin Spam, part 2

    In the post Interesting new kind of WordPress Plugin Spam I reported about a site which offers WordPress plugins to attract the careless user to a scam site. Since then Rahul (the man behind the scam) wasn’t inactive. A German user reported problems with his website which could easily be tracked down to a problem…

  • Interesting new kind of WordPress Plugin Spam

    There’s seems to be a new way of luring users of WordPress to spam sites: WordPress Plugin Spam. Like most other plugin authors I regularly check what others are saying about them; actually I have a Google Alert set on the names). The other day I received an an e-mail from this service telling me…

  • Stop supporting commercial themes and plugins for free!

    For the last days there has been much excitement about Thesis. Fo those who don’t know: Thesis is one of the more popular commercial themes for WordPress. Despite the special problems with this theme and its author it’s a more general question if customers of commercial should be supported for free by the community or…

  • Updated pagebar v2.58

    Some days I was happy that pagebar v2.57 does seem to work with the new WordPress v3.0 flawlessly but I laughed too soon. Mark (no link given) pointed out that custom taxonomies are disrupted when using pagebar v2.57. The reason was some code I borrows from the “Multi Page Toolkit“: add_action(‘init’, ‘pb_allpage_permalink’, -1); function pb_allpage_permalink()…

  • So your WordPress plugin kills the Theme Editor?

    You’ve created a plugin that worked happily since version 2.5 of WordPress. Then came version 2.9 and the users of your plugin complain that the theme editor does not work anymore! What the theme editor? What have I to do with the theme editor? That were my thoughts when I received bug reports for the…

  • Photographing and filming British buildings makes you a terrorist suspect

    Today I came across some nice articles and videos by Paul Lewis: ‘You’re filming for fun? I don’t believe you’ and A few photographs add up to a minor terror alert. You definitely should follow his feed.

  • Meet the WordPress core developers (almost)

    How does Peter Westwood look like? How does Mark Jaquith talk? Is Ryan Boren funny? You can find some anwers in this video from the first meetup of all WordPress core developers:

  • noteaser – The unknown WordPress tag

    Most WordPress users will know the <!--more--> tag which allows you to create a teaser for your blog post. The text in front of the tag will be displayed on the main blog page and after clicking the “more” link the single post page containing the teaser and remaining part of the blog post will…