Firefox Add-On version hack: Cutomize titlebar

If I want to tweet a link of a site currently opened in my Firefox/Waterfox browser I using the “Hootlet” from “Hootsuite“. This little Add-On simply takes the text  of the titlebar of the browser and adds an link so I can tweet it with a single click.

Unfortunately Firefox adds “Firefox” to the titlebar which I have to delete manually every time. But hey, computers are for automationing things so this should be automated, too. The Add-On repository contains an Add-Ons called “Customize Titlebar” which would do exact the requested task but it hasn’t been updated 2009 and is compatible with Firefox 3.9 (!).

In many cases those Add-Ons still work with current versions of Firefox the only problem is that they are marked incompatible. It’s always worth a try to simply increase the entry and check if it still works. Especially Add-Ons that are not critical like “Customize titlebar“. In this case this little hack actually works and I’m happy to be able to use the plugin.

I set the compatibility information of the Add-On to “50.*” so it should work for some while.



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