Category: wordpress
New version of pagebar released (v2.60)
in wordpressAs you can see in the title the new version of pagebar is not version 3.0 that I anticipated to release by this summer. Procrastination at its best! 1. Instead I created another minor version with some features which are quite easy to implement. First there is a new default theme based on CSS3: To…
WordPress: Publishing posts in the past
in wordpressThere may be situations where you want to publish a post with a date in the past. On first sight WordPress does not have such a function. If you look closer you find on the page “Add new post” in the metabox “Publish” the following entry: If you click on Edit a field appears in…
WordPress: Get IDs of *ALL* post tags
in wordpressWordPress contains a function for getting the tags associated with a post (get_the_tags) but none for retrieving the IDs of all site wide available tags. The solution to this problem is quite easy if you remember that post tags are nothing else but pre-defined taxonomies and that you can use the function get_terms to retrieve…
Yet another rant about bad WordPress plugin programming habits
in wordpressThe other day I came across a plugin that provided some useful functions to WordPress but is so badly coded that I can’t recommend it to anyone to use it. Though there are a lot of blog posts ranting about people “doing it wrong” this not be named plugin does so many things wrong in…
The selectbox mystery of WordPress
in wordpressThe other day I wanted to use a selectbox with 5 elements in my plugin’s option page. No problem I thought: What everybody including me expects is something like this: But I actually got this: The mystery lies in the style sheet for the admin area: #wpcontent select { padding: 2px; height: 2em; font-size: 12px;…
WordPress: Shorten title
in wordpressA frequently asked question in WordPress forum is how to shorten the title of a post to a predefined number of characters and to append a “…”. The problem is solved with a few lines of code: add_filter( ‘the_title’, ‘short_title’ ); function short_title( $title ) { $chars = 20; if ( strlen( $title ) >…
Remove “by author” post section from Genesis themes
in wordpressAs I already wrote in How-to remove the author from your Twenty-Ten posts most blogs do not need the section “by author” since there is only one author. By default most Genesis themes contain this section (e.g. the prose theme): Let’s see how-to remove the author’s name from the post info.
WordPress: Remove links from the_category()
in wordpressThe standard way to display the categories a post belongs to is to use the function the_category, e.g, the call the_category(‘, ‘); will output: link, photo, regular, video As you see the categories are automatically linked to their respective category pages which in most cases is the style needed. Nevertheless there may be situations where…
WordPress plugins: Don’t hard code path names …almost never!
in wordpressThe other day I found a plugin claiming the following in its instructions: 1) Upload the entire my-cool-plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory 2) DO NOT change the name of the my-cool-plugin folder […] What the heck? Why shouldn’t I change the name of the folder? The author didn’t actually hard code the plugin path…
WordPress: Unified Login Error Messages
in wordpressIf you log-in to your WordPress blog and use an unregistered username the system will answer “ERROR: Invalid username. Lost your password?” and if you got your username right but not your password: “ERROR: The password you entered for the username admin is incorrect. Lost your password?” So you know independently if you used a…