Category: Uncategorized

  • Javascript – Rounding floating point numbers

    Javascript – Rounding floating point numbers

    There are six different functions in JavaScript’s Math library for rounding floating point numbers: What is the difference between these functions? abs() abs() is the absolute value of a number. Mathematically speaking, it is the distance of a number from zero. As a distance cannot be negative, the absolute value is always the positive value…

  • Chrome extensions, Manifest v3 and local storage views

    The other day I started coding a Chrome extension that makes heavy use of Chrome’s IndexedDB. Until this time then I had no problem inpecting any local storage using the DevTool’s “Application” tab. Those were extensions that used Manifest v2 but as of June 2023 Google will only acept Manifest v3 extensions.One of the main…

  • How-to split a number into equal chunks

    How-to split a number into equal chunks

    The other day I had to iterate over a large number of items but to avoid a timeout I could only compute a certain amount at a time. So I had to split the number into equal chunks and a remainder. Here’s an easy way to determine the chunk size: The code return the following…

  • Big Tech 0wns web development

    Web development is based on free software by developers like you and me, isn’t it? At first glance, this seems to be the case. Let’s take a look at the main tools modern web is mainly developed with nowadays: Visual Studio Code TypeScript React npm GitHub Chrome Most of the tools are Open Source projects…

  • Javascript – Swap classes of an HTML element

    Recently I came across the problem, that I had to programmatically change a div’s color from red to green. Sounds simple and it’s actually quite simple if you know your JavaScript.

  • WordPress: add_filter or add_action? It actually doesn’t matter!

    It’s a doctrine of WordPress plugin development: Use actions to expand the functionality and filters to change information. We’ve all heard it, we always follow that demand. Always? Well… … if I want to add some functionality and nowhere near or far there is an action hook in the core but only a filter hook,…

  • Firefox Add-On version hack: Cutomize titlebar

    If I want to tweet a link of a site currently opened in my Firefox/Waterfox browser I using the “Hootlet” from “Hootsuite“. This little Add-On simply takes the text  of the titlebar of the browser and adds an link so I can tweet it with a single click. Unfortunately Firefox adds “Firefox” to the…

  • The best wife in the world!

    Only the “Best Wife in the World” ™ makes such a present for our wedding anniversary: I’m afraid she will force me to watch “Stargate” or “Doktor Who” while drinking this delicious beer. Life can be cruel!

  • First meeting for launching a hackerspace in Kassel/Germany

    Kassel, a city located at the Fulda, population 200,000, is as ugly as sin but it’s got the <a href="Herkules, a pile of museums, a great hackerspace, a national theatre, a university… Wait, wait, wait! A hackerspace? In Kassel? No, of course there isn’t one. Not yet. But there could be soon. Some people thought…